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judywhite, Author & Photographer LICENSE judywhite's Stock ORCHID IMAGES, FROM THE BOOK & more! See Plant Image Galleries and use our Shopping Cart, or email us with specific page numbers of stock orchid photography.. The new bible of the orchid growing world. Winner of the "Quill & Trowel Award" for book writing from the Garden Writers Association of America. Named "Favorite New Gardening Book" by National Gardening Magazine. Rated 5 stars by reviewers. judywhite wrote and photographed this 400 page book with 300 color photographs. Now in its third printing. Read a rave review: "judywhite is well-known in the orchid world for her wonderful way of explaining the mysteries behind how to grow orchids, and this book, which she also photographed (there are 300 gorgeous color photos depicting every genus in the encyclopediasection) is not only well-written, it is well-organized and covers everything from pest control to potting materials (the best resource on this subject in particular that I'veever come across) to light to getting the darned things to bloom again. The second half of the book is the encyclopedia section, describing not only species, but also man-made intergeneric hybrids, with a lot of information you can't find anywhere else in one place. "I definitely agree with others that if you only get one orchid book - whether you are just a beginner or truly advanced - this is *the* orchid book!" -- Review _______________________________